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Hello, I am Fred ... 

  • Sybille and I met in August 2020.

  • I am a boy, born in January 2014.

  • I was hit by a motorbike, and my spine broke.

  • After I spent a long time in a kennel at a pet clinic, someone asked Sybille if she could take care of me for a while.

  • Sybille helped at the big dog shelter these days. I moved in and met Bobbles, O´Malley, and Nala.
    We had a great time running around with our brand-new wheelchairs.

  • In 2021, Sybille left the shelter and founded MDHF, and I went back to a woman who wanted to care for me.

  • I cannot really remember this time, but I got horrible skin problems and started to eat my own foot.
    The Lady brought me back to the big dog shelter, but Sybille wasn´t there anymore.

  • I prayed she would find and keep me, and SHE DID in February 2023.

  • Fred has chronic skin problems and a chronic ear infection and is paraplegic and incontinent. When he smiles at me with his theethless mouth, my heart bursts.

  • Fred looks like the most fragile little creature. He always reminds me of Gollum, and I only want to protect him for the rest of his life—he is small but mighty.

  • Adopted and MDHF member since February 2023

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