Hello, I am Miss Marple
Sybille cares for me since February 2023.
I am a lady and quite old.
I lived on the street, and a kind man fed me. I was missing for two weeks and can't say what happened. When he found me again, I was in a miserable condition. He reached out for help, and Niall rescued me. I am the reason why Sybille and Niall became good friends.
I can't use my back legs, had sores and was full of ticks. The x-ray showed some bruised vertebrae compressing my nerves. I was also so weak because of an infection with blood parasites.
I am getting lots of exercise and acupuncture now; maybe the feeling in my legs will come back... . Until then, I'll ride my wheelchair with incredibly cool pink tyres.
Miss Marple is a bright grande dame with quite a gentle nature. Her little tongue usually hangs out; she has big ears like Yoda and can inspect you with a sceptical eye - a charming detective gnome.
Adopted and MDHF member since February 2023.